Monday, April 20, 2009

The Baby Bump.. it keeps growing and growing....

Like I said in the previous post, you can see that my belly has really taken on a life of it's own.. I literally woke up last week, and didn't know where it came from! The pregnancy is still going extremely well... I've gained a total of 19 pounds so far- YIKES! I notice that I'm making a lot more sound effects lately, especially with getting up, and walking up steps.. ahh- the things you take for granted!

All the boys in the house are so excited to have another one of their own that they can't contain themselves!!! (Especially Charlie and Docker- Do!)

Janna at 19 weeks!

Here is a funny pic that Rob and I took of my shadow from our vacation in March. In this picture, I am 19 weeks, and was just beginning to show. Since then, I've really popped.. I'll be sure to post some pics soon!